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Success @ Council Bluffs

We sent 5 teams to the Jr Jackets VEXIQ Tournament. In Iowa events, tournaments are separated by age group. Five of our teams made the journey including our only middle school team, 57069J Jack in the Bots, and 4 elementary division teams, 57069W The Wolves, 57069F Short Fuse, 57069M Illuminati, and 57069Z Cyber Scruncheeez.

Competition in the middle school division was strong with 57069J taking 6th place before the finals and ending as the third place alliance in the finals. Our team continued to show potential to be a leader in the division with two scores over 100. The team's future plans are to average over 100.

In the elementary division, 57069W finished in first place with 57069Z, 57069F, and 57069M taking 3rd, 4th, and 8th places respectively before finals. 57069W's alliance was awarded as Tournament Champion. 57069M's alliance came in second. The alliance between 57069Z and 57069F came in third. 57069Z was also awarded the Sportsmanship Award.

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